ManaphyGoldenZoroark Expert |
Last Activity: 10-20-2024 04:25 AM
About Me
Your TPPC Trainer Information
- TPPC Trainer ID
- #3488427, #3488493
- Favorite Pokemon Team
- Team_TPPC
- Trainer Icon
- 013
- Pokémon #1
- 001
- Pokémon #2
- 016
- Pokémon #3
- 149
- Pokémon #4
- 147
- Pokémon #5
- 148
- Pokémon #6
- 151
- Trainer's Card Background
- 014
- Banned for Training 16 hours per day for 9 days straight.
“They only know you cuz you got it, Once you don’t have it, you’re a stranger to them” - Manaphy.
- Banned for Training 16 hours per day for 9 days straight.