Conversation Between parkour23 and CodyVtech
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
Okay then thank you for your time
i think i will pass for now
I have a golden bagon being trained to 3500 by Lord right now so I wouldn't pay that much for it.
I'd do GoldenLuxray + ShinyBouffalant (?) (Level: 666) + ShinyRiolu 5 + Rapidash (?) (Level: 5) ? Or check me good sir
luxray + arcanine for my golden salamance?
how does that sound?
I've paid around 30x for it but out to any offer course
i'm not sure.. what do you rate your golden arcanine 3500?
How much add to my GoldenLuxray ♀ (Level: 1200)?
it's level 2500 i'm interested in other golds, and/or different kind of unobs
What level is it again sorry on my phone...
Also what would you be interested in good sir