Conversation Between parkour23 and Nurse Joy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
idk i'm so annoyed with how slow this forum loads and i don't play tppcs since a long time i just logged a few times last days to see wassup
I could do S/D Pans and one of the NGs when they come out? But could you wait till then, I will hold it for you.
oh i see :/ then pick adds to s and d pan's and golden fraxure for dratini?
I'll glady pass that offer
Armaldo ♂ 5
Armaldo ♂ 5
Armaldo ♂ 5
ShinyChimchar ♀ 5
DarkCottonee ♂ 100
DarkDwebble ♂ 100
ShinyDwebble ♂ 100
ShinyDwebble ♂ 100
ShinyFoongus ♂ 100
Giratina 1,012
ShinyHeracross ♀ 4,105
Liepard ♀ 5
ShinyMagby ♂ 1,007
Mewtwo 1,350
Moltres 5
ShinyPanpour ♂ 5
DarkPanpour ♀ 5
ShinyRaikou 125
Rayquaza 550
Slakoth ♀ 1,900
Uxie 5
ShinyZorua ♀ 100
for dratini? i kinda wanna keep my other golden dragons too if possible
I'd probs do Pans + Sala or Fraxure for my GSlowpoke, a bit more for dratini
i like all your golds(i always really wanted a dratini) i also like your shiny scyther check 3241635 for adds or idk
Can you please check 3327477 for stuff you like?
sorry i'm not very active, offer for them? i don't know what the rates of most things are at the moment
Can you please check my second linked for them please?