- Rules: Reminder
- Conduct
- TPPC Forum Ideas Guide & Conduct
- Forum: Quick Reply
- Goals
- message to short
- TPPC Classic Skin
- Little thing, with the Mudkip forum theme.
- Remove post count?
- Check dis out.
- Mewtwo Tower
- YouTube Link Thread
- New Forum Guide?
- Show if someone edited
- Uh...re-impliment the emoticon-smilie.
- Banner, lawl
- 10 Character limit?
- oh.. that
- Already getting annoying
- New Elite Fours
- I was just thinking
- Linking the FAQ's and the UCG's?
- Here's an idea.
- New Silps
- Pokemon avatars?
- Just a thought
- Im
- Revolutionary Idea
- 10 000 Faction Points Prize
- A little idea about the new forums.
- Hmmm, Let us have some fun.
- Boxing Gloves
- Forum Reputation
- TPPC idea :/
- Foreign Language forum
- Team Stats Idea
- Re-Suggesting (Power Boost)
- Legendaries
- Trainer of The Decade
- New Pokedex!!!
- Tppc awards
- Broken links on TPPC. ;o
- Sessions
- Idea
- new trades
- Legendaries
- Minor Idea, Might have been already suggested.
- Something new
- I've seen this suggested.
- I have 2 ideas.
- ok yeah the forums are great and all
- Show all your posts
- Dont know if this has been mentioned but .....
- Buy Items
- My idea
- Elite Four TPPC.
- a couple of ideas for the forums
- Nicknaming Pokemon
- Account linking idea
- On golden days
- Golden day idea
- Server Idea
- Sell pokemon idea
- Secret Swapping idea
- Limit on number of trades per person
- What if you could.....
- pokemon based profile search
- -----GG Idea of the world-----
- Pokemon buy page idea
- Implement Life Orb
- This may be hard but...
- Training Gym
- More pokemons in the game.
- Lol
- Get Rid of Donations Contests
- Strike-through text for forums?
- Safari Idea
- Bringing up the idea again...
- Pokemon NICKNAMES :D
- training account update
- Simple Idea
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Changing the Faction Rank(Major) Prize
- Live Battleing
- Faction Wars
- k
- Another Idea
- Idea?
- lake treo
- would you like to see this implamented
- Hey what's up?
- What's up guys?
- pokemon rangers
- Give It A Try
- Change The Maintenance Time!!!
- maybe a solution!
- shiny pokemon.
- TPPC Improvement Idea Thread!
- Explosion
- Whats going on!!!!!!
- Re-hyper-linking FAQ and UCG
- "Quote" layout
- How about adding an introduction forum?
- Trade Pending Pokemon
- Hyperlinks In-Battle
- Team Stats - Buying in Quantity
- Bans
- "Restart battle" for gyms.
- Bonus!
- Fraction Bonus.
- O's and 0's - Faction Bonus
- Reporting PMs
- Insta-Ban Religious Discussions
- idea
- Win/Loss idea
- Money Ranking
- Show all threads we posted in...
- Little idea.
- Silph Co.
- Mass Swapping
- PM in TPPC
- Ban From Thread
- Faction Bonus Idea
- idea
- hey
- Items
- training gym
- An idea..
- New pokemon
- Lucky egg item...
- The old TPPC trainer's corner.
- Forums Idea
- idk if it was said before
- Could ss anne be changed?
- I reken TPPC should Add
- Birth Island
- ideas to stop aaers
- Make me an admin
- Swap-happy
- New Trade Idea?
- great idea in my opinion.
- Tppc Looks
- Bad Team Stats!!!
- No more secret swap
- a kill counter
- Golden Days
- New Events
- Simple idea
- Emotes
- What to do with banned accounts poke's
- So, old buy page idea.. from about a year ago.
- Trading link or button.
- Train.
- idea...not interesting tho
- bye page idea
- fforuM idea ??
- The App Store
- "Wade`s idea"
- [RPG]=Clans
- Forums<RPG
- Trainer Title Idea
- all trade day
- Idea about the maintenance.
- Horrible Idea
- umm
- Secret Pokemon.
- I Forgot My...
- Leveling up...
- Shiny pokes
- Friend Idea
- a Poll thread
- To be or not to be....Banned?
- English and only english
- Training..
- Item Selling
- Um...
- Pokemon[Legends]
- .......read
- pokedex
- Mod Contest
- Sliph scope
- The Value of Pokemon
- Team Rocket Avatar
- Sprite Change
- Question
- new idea
- Possible suggestion.
- TPPC Maintenace
- maintenance stuff...
- Ideas for team points.
- Are we going to have all generation IV pokemon available in TPPC?
- Good idea
- The Ability to block Trainer IDs from trading with you
- idea for shiny/dark map pokes
- Idea
- Golden Map Pokemons
- Training Accounts ?
- Disable faction bonus
- Trade History.
- New rule for trade threads
- i think...
- All the goldens!!
- update to include all 4th generation pokemon
- not interesting.....
- Idea for RPG maintenance(not shortening it)
- Forum Skins
- Training Idea
- idea
- Higher max money.
- Just an idea for training accounts
- Play Dress up
- I've always wondered
- take it off!
- B/O or not B/O this is the question!
- Little forum idea.
- trainer title
- For the New Guys! :3
- We really need this!
- If it's not being sold privately to you...
- Items Page
- Combine Gaming sub-forums
- Small idea, i think it would be fun :)
- A new way to shorten out goldens :)
- Cute Murkrow
- Battle to the Summit
- casino
- pms
- Giratina 2nd form.
- Just saying about Promos
- TPPC Rarity List
- Implementing signatures
- Team related starter idea
- Secret Swap
- Tppcrpg iPhone app!
- Safari Zone Idea.
- Battle Frontier Games- Like Pokemon Platinum
- Banning homework threads.
- Actually Having Maps...
- Small Idea
- Surely, people have wanted this before!
- Pokemon Day Care
- Just Thought Of This Idea
- An idea :o
- Idea
- Linked Account.
- Enforce Rule #1
- i have a idea
- Deleting posts?
- secret swap