View Full Version : Anime movie review - Double Feature (there will be spoilers for E7 series)

Ichigo Uzumaki
12-28-2009, 11:07 AM
Let's get right to the point. Thanks to Jawa I was able to find two movies I wanted, Eureka Seven - Pocket full of Rainbows and Bleach movie 3, Fade to black.

Let's start with PFOR. This movie told an alternate story different from the anime it was based on. Unlike in the anime where Renton had to earn Eureka's trust and eventual love, Renton was Eureka's only friend and she had no idea who holland was, in fact she was even his enemy throughout the movie. The story is very different from the anime with things still the same. Nirvash started out as a fairy and evolved into a battle mech. Renton was part of the army, his father wasn't the hero he was in the series and characters like Anemone and Dominic played much different rolls. The twists were interesting but not very well played out. On top of that the animation was better most of the time then the series, except when they took scenes right out of the series and put them in the film. Which they did quite a lot of.

The character development wasn't bad but it wasn't great and despite the lack of battle in the movie, the explosions in it were outlandish and at times not needed or believeable. I had a hard time thinking of Holland and the Gekko as enemies to Eureka and Renton and because of that it took away from the film. The big things were Nirvash and Eureka, they went through a lot of changes throughout the film just as they did in the series but they were so rapid that by the time you got used to one change they went to another. One thing that bugged me with Eureka was that they tried out her *** appeal a few times and she was still only sixteen at the oldest so it was kind of sick.

Overall, this film gets a 6/10 because I'm feeling nice. It probably need to be watched on the big screen to be fully enjoyed.

Now bleach, Fade to black.
Let me start off by saying this film was much better then the second bleach film but still not as good as the first. Rukia is a seriously main part of the story which I think was pretty good, at least in the way they made her so important. You really have to watch the anime from the time it goes over Rukia's and Renji's past together to the point where they go over how Vizards came to be to get the whole story. Which I think was nice touch.

The only characters who were developed were the enemies and Rukia who have a strange connection between them. It seems unlikely that they could have been together long though considering the time which Rukia knew them. At least not to the point where they mattered to her the way they did. One thing that was nice to was to see how much Ichigo cared about Rukia and getting her back and to see how upset he was when he didn't think he would.

The battles were interesting and without giving anything away it nice to see a "blast from the past, as they say." One thing that seemed odd though was that unlike the past movie villians the ones in this film were far to emotionally controlled, but in a good way. To the point where you actually start liking them, a bit. Very strange to like the enemy but you just do somehow. The movie was great but as I said fell a little short of the first one. Speeking of, the movie was short like the second one barely ranging over an hour and a half and while for the most part that was okay I felt that they could have done a little more character development or made the final battle a little better.

Overall, this film gets a 8.5/10. Pretty good coming from me. If you like bleach, you'll love this movie and I suggest you watch it.

12-30-2009, 07:23 PM
Was the PFOR you downloaded dubbed or subbed?

Ichigo Uzumaki
01-01-2010, 04:01 PM
Subbed. I wouldn't watch it dubbed because the only vocie actor I like in the Dub is Holland.